Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Taos Day 11 — Unremitting Beauty

Sparse scrub growth and dusty roads and trails
Days roll into one another like sequential motion picture frames. No two quite the same but the differences so slight it hardly matters. Distant mountains 60 miles away lie like purple shadows on the horizon. Rabbits scurry out from under sparse scrub. Soft dirt yields prints of tires, running shoes, boots, birds, coyotes, elk, dogs and deer, all stepping on each other's tracks.

Time is drawing to a close here, another five or six days, maybe, and the house sitting is over.  Yet I am thinking of staying in the area for a while, finding an RV park, a camp ground or renting a room. It's time to meet people, resume more normal life and put perspective on events of the past year. There are some really fine folks here, as there are everywhere, and being on the road too long can grow wearisome.

House sitting means cat sitting
If Taos/Santa Fe doesn't work I'll likely head south to Truth or Consequences. Albuquerque is too big, and most of the towns between too small. TorC with its hot springs, laid-back life and small town feel is closer to home. As they say in TorC:  "We're all here because we're not all there."

Another option -- further west to California, up the coast, visit friends and family, on to Oregon and Washington, maybe Canada and Alaska.  So much to do. So few years left in which to do it.   JNR


  1. Just got caught up on your blog, and loving it so far. Sorry for your loss. Stay safe.

  2. Enjoyed your post and the pictures. Taos is beautiful and cool!

  3. Hey, John, I'm a few days behind in reading blogs. I just rented an apartment here in TorC. Let me know what you decide about where to settle for a while! Maybe I could come up and visit you in Taos/SF if you don't make it down this way. Sue
