Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Confessions of a Minimalist — Stuff

One thing years of living in a bus taught me:  You don't need much to be happy — food, shelter, love and companionship is about it. Anything else isn't gravy. It usually just gets in the way.

Now that I am not living in a bus, and taking time to write about it, I'm finding how easy it is to slip back into old ways.

Take CD's and DVD's, for example, Or books, or jeans and T-shirts. Or shoes. Another here, another  there. Soon clutter.

Living in a bus imposes strict limits on almost everything. My rule of thumb has been if I get something new, like a new book or CD, I get rid of an old to make room.

It's easy. Just give it away, or leave it to be found. Someone will want it.

This rule  not only keeps clutter from accumulating. It upgrades what you do have by forcing you to keep only what you really love and need.

Another rule is: If you haven't used it, worn it, eaten it or cooked with it in six months get rid of it. Obviously this does not apply to spare parts. It applies to almost everything else.

I could go on but I think the point is made. Having only what you need and nothing more simplifies your life.

NEXT:  Storage.


  1. I so agree. Couldn't say it any better!!!

    1. Thank you, Michelle. That is extremely kind and generous and appreciated.


  2. yes, yes.. that is the entire essence. Good to see you back in blog land.

    1. Peter, is that you ? Nice to hear from you. Just joined your new campobellosightseeing blog. Hope to make there to see and you some day. I am in good company with the Good Luck Duck !



    2. LOL when I read P.'s comment. You should see our attic room! He has a long way to go. Still too much of the attire: no, don't throw that away, we might need it......:))
