Monday, August 29, 2011

Drumming for Lightning

I did not know Lightning, and he died before his time. Twelve years ago he was stabbed in the heart. He survived the stabbing but never was the same. Over the last few months his health failed. He died yesterday still in his forties.

In the evening, at Ralph Edwards park, a group of about 25 including his wife and three children gathered.  We sat in a circle with drums, rattles, an old tambourine and guitars, and drummed.

Drumming is a unifying experience. A group cannot talk all at once. It may sing but only one song.

But in drumming there is self expression. One person can set a rhythm and others follow, or a dozen can. But somehow it all comes together, each individual expression part of a whole— music without melody, lyrics without words.

We drummed until after dark. Farewell to Lightning.


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