Like millions of Americans, I heard the president address the nation in his State of the Union address to Congress last night. I was impressed. He seemed relaxed and at the top of his rhetorical game.
Yet the speech also troubled me.
President Obama |
If I heard him correctly he called for preschool for all children beginning at age four.
He called for high school education more closely tied to job placement, more akin to an associate degree from a community college.
"To grow our middle class," the president said, "our citizens must have access to the education and training that today's jobs require."
He also made a pitch for an increase in the minimum wage, to $9 an hour, a boost for the working poor.
It was about jobs and work — tailoring people to fit the world of work rather than tailoring the world of work to fit people.
Those at the top prosper; those below perspire.
Wandering Wolf
If Mr. Obama was offering a vision of utopia based on rewards, benefits and confinements of corporate America, Wakatel Utiw—Wandering Wolf—a Mayan elder who has been walking the Americas, see things a little differently.
Five hundred years of rule by occupiers, colonialists and corporate interests has not created paradise in the Americas or the world, he says. It is a system based on greed. Its legacies are division, distrust, poverty and war.
Wandering Wolf |
Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Olax, Wandering Wolf, is at the heart of the movie, Shift of the Ages, exploring the meaning of the Mayan and other indigenous peoples' visions for a better way of live. For more than seven years he has traversed the Americas from Guatemala to Peru and Bolivia, meeting with elders and speaking speaking of a coming change foreseen by his people as long count calendar comes to a close and a new epoch begins.
Although the time is now for a new era, he says, mankind must end its divisions and we must work together to make it happen—to end the fouling of our air and water, to end poverty, to end war and greed.
“The new Sun will come, but if we don’t change our destructive and disharmonious ways, many may not see it. We are not powerless over something happening to us," he says. "We are happening to the Earth and to each other.”
He points to 500 years of occupation, colonial rule and corporate oppression. The lessons of the old order are manifest in a world that has turned its back on the human spirit and preached a world of material plenty and spiritual poverty.
His words contrasted with the focus of the president's address stirred something in me.
Why should it be that in a world of plenty there is so much want? Why should we begin preparing the young for a lifetime of work at the tender age of four?
For what reason? To get ahead? Who profits? Who loses?
A Theft of Tender Years
One of nature's preschool instructors. |
Taking four-year-olds, sparkling and spiritual and at an age when imagination should be free to explore and to play, and putting them on the treadmill that feeds the maw of the corporate machine seems a crime against them and against all humanity.
Using education not to enlarge the spirit and expand the mind but to hone workplace skills seems not so much an exercise in developing human potential as it does in crushing it.
The rewards are the material gee-gaws and gadgetry that fill our empty days and overflow our landfills.
One thing that nights looking at stars and mornings watching a sun rise over mountains has taught me is that the stars and the moons and the mountains and the sunrise belong to all of us. And so too the Earth. And that there is no more beautiful sight than a free human cast in his or her own mold and not in the mold of others or the machine.
We should be careful what we ask when we seek to grow our economy, and wary of the price we may pay and the fuel we are putting into the fire,
The four-year-old sitting by the campfire beside her mother, hearing the conversations of coyotes in the hills, the rustle of wind in the grass, the screeches of owls and chirrups of insects and frogs, dreaming of life unfolding before her in her vivid imagination, will not be so happy in an air-conditioned preschool where she may learn keyboard skills but not know the scent of a pine forest.
Even if it does one day lead to a job.